Here are the steps!
Step 1 : Create a linkbucks account and copy your referral link. This is your main account. DON'T SEND ANY FAKE TRAFFIC TO THIS ACCOUNT.
Linkbucks :
Step 2 : Create another linkbucks account with your referral link. This is your referral account.
Step 3 : Shorten a link in your referral account and send traffic to that link. I recommend sending U.S. traffic because it has the highest CPM.
you dont know how to send fake traffic ????
You will get 20% of your referral earnings in your main account.
Step 4 : If your referral account gets banned , create another referral account and keep sending traffic.
Eventhough you referral account is banned , you will still have 20% of the money in your main account.You can withdraw when your main account reaches $10.
earn up to 10$ daily !
earn money online